Perform, produce and make art.

Well, hello.  My name is Michael Callahan, and I began all of this nonsense performing 10 minute card trick routines for money as a 22 year old in 1997.  Over the years, routines transformed into pieces, and pieces coalesced into an act.  Now my show runs an hour, and I am proud of my reputation for relentlessly winning over audiences of any and all makeups.  

I founded the St. Peter, MN based 2nd Story Comedy show in 2011.  The show stars nationally touring headliners, sells out nightly and has proven to be the premiere live comedy show in Southern Minnesota.  I would love to have you come out on a second Saturday and join us.

I have always loved art, particularly watercolor with pen and ink.    Although I have privately painted for years, it has only been recently that my work has ceased (mostly) to hurt the eyes.  In 2015 I began to sell commissions as well as paintings of my own choosing in the Art Center of St. Peter.  I would love to create a painting for you.

Call me, Michael Callahan: 507-995-9638